Food is not a Four Letter Word

Michael Baugh CPDT-KSA, CDBC

IMG_9994The question isn’t whether or not you can train your dog with food.  That’s pretty much a no-brainer.  Author and long-time animal trainer Dr. Grey Stafford put it best.  “If you’ve ever fed your dog, you’ve trained with food.”  Dogs have learned to do all sorts of things for their food bowl, including beg, spin in circles and jump on people.  What seems strange is that so many people would sooner give their dog a bowl of food for all that annoying behavior, than use small bits of food to teach desired behavior.  There seems to be a disconnect.  Feeding is good.  Food in training is bad.  Even some self-professed trainers advertise that they don’t use food in training.  Why?  Dr. Stafford inspired the title of this article when he made the claim that should be common sense to all of us.  Food is not a four-letter word.

Here’s how positive reinforcement training works.   If your dog spins in circles and barks, and the result is that you give him a heaping bowl of food, then he’s going to do more spinning and barking in the future.  It’s that simple.  Our dogs will keep doing the stuff we pay for.  In fact, it’s science (See “The Science of Dog Training”).  Dr. Susan Friedman PhD is a behavior analyst.   She cuts right to the meat of the matter.  “If behavior has no effect, what are we behaving for?”  So why not use the effect to our advantage?   Dog sits – food – more sitting.  Dog comes when called – food – more coming when called.  The list goes on.

Do you always have to have food with you?  No.  But (there’s always a “but”), it doesn’t hurt.  As your dog learns good manners, he may only get food every once in a while.  Many trainers refer to that as “phasing out the food.”  Use food to show your dog how to do new things (trainers call it luring), but don’t get stuck in a long-term pattern of bribing.  You should put the food out of sight as soon as possible.  Keep it handy but hidden.  Dr. Stafford speaks from experience, “I’ve trained hundreds of animals covering more species than I can recall.  The one lesson I’ve learned is the ultimate power of positive reinforcement, whether you train dogs or dolphins, is in its unpredictability.”  That means your dog will get paid for doing things you like, but not always how and when he expects it.  Any dog knows to come running when you’re wearing a treat bag, but try sneaking a few treats in your pocket, and then call your dog while you’re brushing your teeth or watering the lawn.  He’ll be mighty surprised when you hand him that food for a job well done.  Now, that’s unpredictability.

Is food the only way you can reinforce your dog’s behavior?  No.  But, some of the most potent reinforcers speak directly to the animal’s biological needs.  We call those primary reinforcers, and they include food, shelter, reproduction, and control (the ability to make choices).  In dog training food just happens to be the easiest primary reinforcer to deliver.  For professional trainers, food is often a first choice when teaching simple behaviors because you can get a lot more repetitions. Modern trainers pair the food with praise and smiles.  Those are called secondary reinforcers.  In time, praise, smiles, etc. will take on some of the built-in value of the food.  That’s a good thing.  You’ll want lots of possible reinforcers in your training tool kit.

What will your dog work for?  Some dogs love food.  But, other dogs will work for the chance to fetch a ball, play tug, or cuddle on the sofa.  Still other dogs learn to love petting and praise. Dr. Friedman notes, “It’s a teacher’s job to notice that individuality and use it well. The more reinforcers a learner has the more enriched its life can be.”  It’s our job to find what motivates our dog and to then use that to get the behaviors we want. Pay your dog for doing great things in lots of different ways, and see how that adds to the excitement from the dog we are looking for.  Your dog will work harder and learn faster because he’s always wondering, what am I going to get this time?

Is training all about the food?  No, and there’s no “but” about it.  Using food, pairing it with praise and fun, teaching your dog what pays and what doesn’t – that’s all about your discovering how to better communicate with your dog.  It’s about learning new things, looking for the next task, and loving every minute of it together.

My Dog Climbs the Fence

Michael Baugh CPDT-KA, CDBC

Dear Trainer:

Our dog, Zora, keeps climbing the fence! We live in a rented house so we don’t really have the option of changing or upgrading the fencing. We’ve lived here for over a year and she has just recently started doing this, since mid July. How can I prevent or change this behavior?

Cynthia D.


Dear Cynthia,

Don’t fence me in!  The old Cole Porter song is a bit dated now, but your dog obviously has a case of old fashioned wander lust.

The good news is, this falls squarely into to the category of “dogs will be dogs.”  Left to their own devices dogs will do doggie things, and that includes busting out of this place (wherever this place may be) to do a little exploring.  Here are some things to consider.

Manage the behavior.  If you’re not already, you really need to closely supervise Zora in the back yard. That means that you never leave her out there unattended.  You have to be there with her to make sure she’s not up to no good, or up and over the fence.   If she’s hopping the fence right before your unbelieving eyes, take the extra measure and put a leash on her for potty breaks out back.  We don’t want to leave anything to chance here.

If Zora is an “outside dog,” might I suggest you make her an “indoor dog” in a hurry?  It’s not as hard as you might think.  Most of the time, it’s just a matter of teaching potty training and some basic doggie manners.  The effort is well worth it.  Backyard dogs get in trouble; they get out, and sometimes they get hurt (or worse).  Don’t take that risk.

(Read more on All Things Dog Blog)

Changing Your Dog’s Behavior

Michael Baugh CPDT-KA, CDBC

Changing behavior is all about verbs, actions.  We can observe behavior in real space and time because it is physical and often includes movement.  We describe behavior with verbs.  He sits.  She runs.  They eat.  Remembering that helps us steer away from the labels we put on dogs, like dominant, dumb and stubborn.  Those are adjectives, and the only real way to change them is to stop using them.  Actions, on the other hand, we can change.

I didn’t invent the science of behavior change (I wish I had).  In fact, there isn’t a dog trainer in Houston or anywhere else for that matter who can make such a claim.  The truth is, the core concepts of animal training (including the human animal) are more than a century old.   And they are among the most tested and verified bits of knowledge in the field of psychology.  That’s a good thing really.  We dog trainers don’t have to reinvent the process.  Be careful of those who claim to.  I wrote about the science of dog training in the March 2011 issue of Houston PetTalk.  While we are always refining the way we apply the science of behavior change in dogs, the fundamentals remain the same.

Ah science.  There seems to be a collective yawn when the topic comes up.  Maybe our concept of science reminds us of boring afternoons in the classroom.  That’s not what I’m talking about here.  Using behavior science in dog training is cool, very cool.  In fact, every trick you have ever taught your dog is an example of applied behavior science.  Dolphin shows are excellent examples of it.  Behavior science is actually happening all around us.  Dog trainers use it all the time in some form or other, even if they don’t fully understand it.

Photo Courtesy: Robyn Arouty

Here’s how it breaks down.  A behavior is repeated (and becomes habit) when there’s a history of favorable consequences following the action.  How about an example?  Put on a sweater – enjoy warmth and avoid being cold.  Nice!  Here’s a doggie example.  Knock over the garbage can – enjoy snacking on the spilled food scraps.  The actions of putting on a sweater and raiding garbage cans will increase over time because of the consequences.  Changes in the environment set these learned behaviors into action.  Let’s look at the human example again.  The temperature drops when the sun goes down – put on a sweater – avoid the cold.  The temperature drop didn’t cause the action of putting on a sweater, but it did set the stage.  Perhaps the sight of a garbage can and the absence of people set the stage for the action of knocking the can over.  In both examples, it’s the consequence which keeps these actions going time and time again.

You’re on your way to understanding how to change behavior (your dogs’ actions).  Cues from the environment (we are part of our dogs’ environment, by the way) and consequences in the environment influence our dogs’ actions.  That’s very good news for those of us who live with dogs.  Why?  Because we can change their environment.  We can remove garbage cans as a potential trigger of destructive behavior.  We can also provide food-delivery toys like Kongs and Bob-a-Lots for better behavior when the dog is left alone.  Now we have the tools we need to change behavior.  We actually had them all along.

Think of anything your dog does that you’d like to change.  Remember to use verbs.  Then think of what happens right before the action, and right after.  Those are the trigger and the consequence.  Can you change either of those, or maybe both of them?   When a visitor comes to the house (trigger), and your dog jumps on her (action), does she pet him (consequence)?  How many of those environmental pieces can you influence?  Better yet, could you teach your dog that when the visitor comes (trigger), he sits politely (action), and she gives him a snack and some petting (consequence)?  I bet you could.

The best part is we’re focusing on our dog’s actions and things in the world around him we can control.  We’re not worried at all about labels.  Those are adjectives and they are not of use in changing behavior.  We’re all about verbs (like sit, and come, and look at me).  And we’re not just looking at our dog’s actions either.  The best way to change an animal’s behavior is to make a few little changes to the environment, and this often means changing our own behavior.

Now we’re talking about a wonderful noun:  Relationship.

(originally published on the Houston Pet Talk blog site)